About Us

Microdermabrasion is still listed as a procedure. We no longer provide this service.

Patient lounge

Our patient lounge underwent refurbishment in September 2014. We have made the lounge homely and welcoming as our nervous patients like to feel like they are not in a Dentists waiting room! The reception desk is usually manned by Patsy or Julie, you are welcome to call in anytime during working hours to make enquiries or to register as a new patient. Just use your date of birth and the system will let us know you are here. The patient lounge is where you will find informative leaflets about the services we offer. We also have a selection of magazines for you to browse while waiting.

Dental surgeries

We have one dental surgery located on the ground floor and one surgery located upstairs. Unfortunately, due to the hallways in the building being narrow, we are unable to accommodate wheelchair users.

Decontamination room

In early 2015 we created a dedicated room for our dental nurses to clean the dental instruments. Our decontamination facilities meet best practice regulations. We use a washer disinfector and vacuum autoclave to ensure that all of our equipment is properly sterilised.

Beauty room

Our Beauty room was installed in January 2016. Dr Newton perfoms aesthetic treatments such as dermal fillers, anti-wrinkle injections and microdermabrasion.

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