General Dentistry

General dentistry is the Evaluation, Diagnosis, Prevention and much more.


During a check up, the Dentist will look at all of your teeth and check all aspects of your oral health. They will then advise of any treatment that would need to be carried out.

More commonly known as a Scale and Polish. The Dentist cleans your teeth with a special device that loosens the plaque on your teeth and can also remove most stains.



X-rays are taken so the Dentist can see aspects of your teeth that are not visible by just looking in your mouth. This helps to diagnose any problems you may have with your teeth.

Fillings are required when there is decay present in the teeth. The Dentist will remove the decay and fill the hole with a filling material.


Root Canal


Root Canal Therapy is a permanent treatment to the root of a tooth to treat or prevent tooth ache or an abscess. It is generally not painful even on a tooth which is causing pain beforehand.

A crown is used as a protective covering for a broken or decayed tooth. It is made in a laboratory and fitted by the Dentist.



Bridges are used to ‘bridge the gap’ in the mouth where teeth are missing. There are different types of bridges, which the Dentist will discuss with you if one is needed. Bridges are made in a laboratory and fitted by the Dentist.

Dentures are removable false teeth which are used to replace missing teeth. They can used if you are missing all or just some of your teeth.



An extraction is when the Dentist removes a tooth which is severely damaged or decayed and cannot be saved with other treatment. Extractions are sometimes necessary for wisdom teeth if they are continuously problematic.

Fissure sealants are mostly provided to children. The sealant seals the grooves on the chewing surface of teeth if they are particularly deep. This helps prevent the tooth from decaying and makes it easier to keep the chewing surface clean.



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