
Dental Veneers are a great way of improving discolored, chipped teeth or getting the straight teeth you have always wanted.

They are either a composite material or porcelain and are a very

thin material that attaches and covers the front surface of your existing teeth.

We offer both Composite and Porcelain Veneers at our practice. Both types have their own advantages.

Porcelain Veneers will last longer than Composite but cost more.

Composite Veneers are applied in one treatment (after your initial consultation). Porcelain Veneers require a couple of appointments for the preparation and fitting 1-2 weeks apart as they are created by experts in a laboratory.

Composite & Porcelain Veneers are used for many cosmetic dental problems.

Stained teeth – if teeth are stained or patchy, Veneers are an ideal solution

Damaged teeth – Teeth can be damaged by acid erosion, chipped through accident, Veneers are a cost effective solution.

Closing gaps – Veneers can be used to close the gap between the two front teeth (or others).

Crooked teeth – Veneers can achieve a straight, white smile.

This will depend on many factors; the type of composite used, whether the client grinds their teeth, intake of fizzy drinks etc.

We use Fusion Composite which is high quality material. Veneers last for many years if they and your teeth are looked after regularly.

Patients will need to see Dr Nigel Newton for an initial consultation where we will discuss your requirements. We will provide you with a full written treatment plan detailing all the costs involved.

Composite veneers are applied directly to the teeth and can be shaped and moulded to your desired shape. You can also choose the shade of the composite used.

Porcelain Veneers are also available at our practice. Patients will have an initial examination with Dr Nigel Newton to discuss your requirements. The Veneers are custom made to your requirements by a qualified, experienced Laboratory.

The initial consultation with our consultation is £48.00. Porcelain Veneers are charged at individual rate of £348.00 per tooth. and Composite Veneers are £198.45 per tooth.

Prices current of October 2019

Financial Support

We can provide finance for cosmetic treatments Finance 4 Patients provided a simple and affordable way to spread the cost of your dental treatment with a 0% Interest Loan or an Interest Bearing Loan at 9.9% if you wish to spread the cost over a longer period.

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